Lowe’s adverts.

A little about America, which nowadays is just a couple of hours down the road. It’s interesting how Americans are battling the decision by the home improvement giant, Lowe’s, to stop advertising on an Islamic reality show. How tolerant Americans are standing up for a religious and political system dedicated to destroying America’s national religion because it dares say that it believes god has a son.

I mean, as it says in the Koran (Shakir):

[ 9: 29 ] Fight those who do not believe in Allah, nor in the latter day, nor do they prohibit what Allah and His Messenger have prohibited, nor follow the religion of truth, out of those who have been given the Book, until they pay the tax in acknowledgment of superiority and they are in a state of subjection.

[ 9: 30 ] And the Jews say: Uzair is the son of Allah; and the Christians say: The Messiah is the son of Allah; these are the words of their mouths; they imitate the saying of those who disbelieved before; may Allah destroy them; how they are turned away!

[ 9: 31 ] They have taken their doctors of law and their monks for lords besides Allah, and ( also ) the Messiah son of Marium and they were enjoined that they should serve one Allah only, there is no god but He; far from His glory be what they set up ( with Him ).

So, America is to be destroyed because of its beliefs but its people think that’s OK because they’re tolerant, wonderful people. It’s a bit reminiscent of Spike Milligan’s very short poem: The boy stood on the burning deck whence all the crew had fled – twit!



1: Although still a cause for intense debate, there may have been a preacher called Jesus who taught a pacifist version of the Jewish religion for about 3 years. He then inexplicably disappeared. After the disappearance, the first followers of this Jesus the Christ, as he became known, believed he had been absorbed by God because he was such a good man. Of two things we can be certain: there was no nativity and no crucifixion.

2:  Many cults and sects appeared after the disappearance of Jesus. The stories on which they were based varied widely. At least one sect taught that Jesus had been reincarnated.

3: A sect began a story that Jesus was crucified by the Romans. This was considered so dangerous by Roman authorities that they killed and tortured Christians. One of the preferred forms of killing was crucifixion, a common form of capital punishment used by the Romans. In response to the persecution by the Romans, stories arose defining Jesus in terms of a supernatural entity.

4: A particularly aggressive Christian sect convinced Constantine that he could unite his army under banner of Christianity. After Constantine’s enemies were vanquished, the sect held conferences to decide what beliefs should constitute Christianity. The supernatural version of the Jesus story was chosen as the ultimate and only version. Stories were chosen and adapted to fit the emerging supernaturalist version. Those who disagreed with this version were tortured and killed by the emerging Christian Church.

5: The supernatural version split into two; the Orthodox Church in the east and the Roman Catholic Church in the west. These were the only versions of Christianity allowed. Christian missionaries from both sects were sent around known world to promote the supernatural version.

6: Some missionaries were killed by members of indigenous religions who objected to their religions being usurped by Christianity. Sometimes Christianity was partly absorbed into old religions. The Roman Catholic Church, in particular, used this to argue that versions other than Roman Catholicism must be eradicated.

7: Many people were killed by purges committed by the Roman Catholic Church in the name of promoting its version of the supernatural Jesus story.

8: The Roman Catholic Church couldn’t eradicated every pagan instinct and it was almost brought down by its own members who demanded a goddess figure. The Church introduced Virgin Mary worship to pacify the demands for a goddess.

9. Eventually, Protestantism became a significant force in Christianity as more and more people came to despise the Roman Catholics’ strict demands. Many variants of protestantism emerged and were tolerated.

10. Modern Christianity emerged in response to the scientific and rational revolution known as the Enlightenment. Although Christianity has been badly diminished by fewer and fewer people feeling a need for religion, it still survives. However, Christianity is still based on the fabrication of a supernatural Jesus and is therefore a target for historians and archaeologists.

The Flight 93 Memorial

Muslims Against Sharia Blog

American’s have got to be the most stupid people on the planet. Their country is subjected to an attack by Muslim terrorists in which the World Trade Centre’s twin towers are destroyed, the Pentagon catches fire after a plane is rammed into it – and the bravery of dozens of people on a hijacked flight, who responded to the hijacking by fighting the hijackers and were consequently killed for their actions, are rewarded with a memorial which to everyone else in the world is so obviously a celebration of Islam!

Western Muslims’ Racist Rape Spree

FrontPage Magazine – Western Muslims’ Racist Rape Spree

Australia, Norway, Sweden and other Western nations, there is a
distinct race-based crime in motion being ignored by the diversity
police: Islamic men are raping Western women for ethnic reasons. We
know this because the rapists have openly declared their sectarian

When a number of teenage Australian girls were
subjected to hours of sexual degradation during a spate of gang rapes
in Sydney that occurred between 1998 and 2002, the perpetrators of
these assaults framed their rationale in ethnic terms. The young
victims were informed that they were “sluts” and “Aussie pigs” while
they were being hunted down and abused.

In Australia’s New
South Wales Supreme Court in December 2005, a visiting Pakistani rapist
testified that his victims had no right to say no, because they were
not wearing a headscarf …”

I have noticed over the years that the political left in the United Kingdom has, in the face of evidence to the contrary, continued to treat Muslims as an oppressed minority. In many cities that is certainly no longer the case. However, the left has also stridently supported women’s rights. Are we headed for a situation like that which eventually caused Satre to condemn and disown the Russian form of communism? No longer can the left declare support for women’s rights and support Muslim groups with impunity. The two are diametrically opposed. Why isn’t the left giving their support to groups like Muslims Against Sharia and condemning Muslims who call for Sharia to be imposed? I have a ghastly feeling that psychiatrists and psychologists are going to be inundated with severely mentally-confused left-wingers in the next couple of years.

Pope Cartoons

In case anyone feels I am anti-Muslim after my last comment, I can assure them I am not. I am anti-the-worst-excesses-of-religion. Recently the Pope was in Africa and condemned charities for handing out condoms. This attitude I cannot agree with. It completely ignores the reality of human relationships and sexual practices. I am not the only person who views such Papal statements with disgust. Below is a link to cartoons satirizing the Popes attitude.

A Few More Pope Cartoons | Friendly Atheist by Hemant Mehta

Turkey and the European Union

Deal being so close to the European mainland, I am always interested in news relating to Europe. Turkey is in the first stages of applying for membership of the European Union. Regrettably, Turkey is also increasingly turning to a more radical form of Islamic government. News that two Christians have been arrested in Turkey for being Christian does not sit well with European ideals of freedom and tolerance. In fact, a number of verses within the Koran seem to indicate that if Turkey becomes an Islamic state then it has a duty to attack Christians and Jews (Shakir translation).

9: 29 Fight those who do not believe in Allah, nor in the latter day, nor do they prohibit what Allah and His Messenger have prohibited, nor follow the religion of truth, out of those who have been given the Book, until they pay the tax in acknowledgment of superiority and they are in a state of subjection.

9: 30 And the Jews say: Uzair (Ezra) is the son of Allah; and the Christians say: The Messiah is the son of Allah; these are the words of their mouths; they imitate the saying of those who disbelieved before; may Allah destroy them; how they are turned away!

Some say that these verse indicate that God will deal with Christians and Jews after death and that they do not relate to life on Earth. However, earlier in the same Sura (chapter), the Koran says:

9: 14 Fight them, Allah will punish them by your hands and bring them to disgrace, and assist you against them and heal the hearts of a believing people.

Here, it seems that God is giving Muslims the right to take action against non-believers (in Islam) on God’s behalf. It will certainly be interesting to see if the European Union does eventually agree to Turkey’s admission into the EU.

‘Insulting Turkishness’ case proceeds under revised law | EuropeNews

An 8 year old child is punished in Iran!

An 8 year child has had a truck run over his arm for stealing a piece of bread. Please do not watch this video if you are of a nervous disposition. It does, however, show how primitive a culture Iran has at the moment and how wrong President Obama is to cuddle up to Iran. It also illustrates why United Nations efforts to ban criticism of Islam are so misguided. If we cannot criticize Islam then we cannot criticize this sort of behaviour because it was done in the name of Islam.

Am I an Atheist?

Are You a Hardcore Atheist? | Friendly Atheist

Have I ever ..? (Questions in bold are positive answers.)

  1. Participated in the Blasphemy Challenge.
  2. Met at least one of the “Four Horsemen” (Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, Christopher Hitchens, Sam Harris) in person.
  3. Created an atheist blog.
  4. Used the Flying Spaghetti Monster in a religious debate with someone.
  5. Gotten offended when someone called you an agnostic.
  6. Been unable to watch Growing Pains reruns because of Kirk Cameron.
  7. Own more Bibles than most Christians you know.
  8. Have at least one Bible with your personal annotations regarding contradictions, disturbing parts, etc.
  9. Have come out as an atheist to your family.
  10. Attended a campus or off-campus atheist gathering.
  11. Are a member of an organized atheist/Humanist/etc. organization.
  12. Had a Humanist wedding ceremony.
  13. Donated money to an atheist organization.
  14. Have a bookshelf dedicated solely to Richard Dawkins.
  15. Lost the friendship of someone you know because of your non-theism.
  16. Tried to argue or have a discussion with someone who stopped you on the street to proselytize.
  17. Hid your atheist beliefs on a first date because you didn’t want to scare him/her away.
  18. Own a stockpile of atheist paraphernalia (bumper stickers, buttons, shirts, etc).
  19. Attended a protest that involved religion.
  20. Attended an atheist conference.
  21. Subscribe to Pat Condell’s YouTube channel.
  22. Started an atheist group in your area or school.
  23. Successfully “de-converted” someone to atheism.
  24. Have already made plans to donate your body to science after you die.
  25. Told someone you’re an atheist only because you wanted to see the person’s reaction.
  26. Had to think twice before screaming “Oh God!” during sex. Or you said something else in its place.
  27. Lost a job because of your atheism.
  28. Formed a bond with someone specifically because of your mutual atheism (meeting this person at a local gathering or conference doesn’t count).
  29. Have crossed “In God We Trust” off of — or put a pro-church-state-separation stamp on — dollar bills.
  30. Refused to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.
  31. Said “Gesundheit!” (or nothing at all) after someone sneezed because you didn’t want to say “Bless you!”
  32. Have ever chosen not to clasp your hands together out of fear someone might think you’re praying.
  33. Have turned on Christian TV because you need something entertaining to watch.
  34. Are a 2nd or 3rd (or more) generation atheist.
  35. Have “atheism” listed on your Facebook or dating profile — and not a euphemistic variant.
  36. Attended an atheist’s funeral (i.e. a non-religious service).
  37. Subscribe to an freethought magazine (e.g. Free Inquiry, Skeptic)
  38. Have been interviewed by a reporter because of your atheism.
  39. Written a letter-to-the-editor about an issue related to your non-belief in God.
  40. Gave a friend or acquaintance a New Atheist book as a gift.
  41. Wear pro-atheist clothing in public.
  42. Have invited Mormons/Jehovah’s Witnesses into your house specifically because you wanted to argue with them.
  43. Have been physically threatened (or beaten up) because you didn’t believe in God.
  44. Receive Google Alerts on “atheism” (or variants).
  45. Received fewer Christmas presents than expected because people assumed you didn’t celebrate it.
  46. Visited The Creation Museum or saw Ben Stein’s Expelled just so you could keep tabs on the “enemy.”
  47. Refuse to tell anyone what your “sign” is… because it doesn’t matter at all.
  48. Are on a mailing list for a Christian organization just so you can see what they’re up to…
  49. Have kept your eyes open while you watched others around you pray.
  50. Avoid even Unitarian churches because they’re too close to religion for you.

Well, I make that 27. Not enough to make me a leader and am not going to proselytize my atheism but I guess over 50% makes me an atheist.

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Blind man’s guide dog barred from restaurant for offending Muslims

Blind man’s guide dog barred from restaurant for offending Muslims – Telegraph

Further to my previous post: Britain feels it is going to the dogs, says Archbishop of Canterbury. Well, it’s already happening. One blind man has been refused entry to a restaurant in Tunbridge Wells because his guide dog offended Muslim staff. No doubt the Archbishop of Canterbury feels this is fair because it is a requirement of a religion. Personally, I’d rather see the offended Muslims sent to live in a Muslim country than cause so much disruption in our own fair-minded, secular state. The Telegraph has all the gory details.

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Britain feels it is going to the dogs, says Archbishop of Canterbury

BBC NEWS | Wales | UK needs help, warns archbishop

The above link got me thinking. The people of this country must be pretty confused when they hear some statements from the Archbishop of Canterbury. A while ago, the honourable gentleman suggested that the country would eventually have to accept some aspects of Sharia Law; and yet one of the things Sharia is most insistent upon is that dogs should not be kept as pets or as working animals because they are unclean.

Apparently, dogs are to be despised because they eat their own vomit. I gather this is required by Allah, the god of Islam. Strange, that. Why are camels not considered unclean, also? Camels vomit their food back into their mouths, re-chew it and then swallow it again. Is it that dogs can be seen eating their vomit but camels cannot? I would have thought that an all-knowing god would understand the inner workings of the creatures it has created. Or maybe the statute was actually written by a human being and not a god?

The banning of dogs from households would mean that dogs could not be used as guide dogs for the blind, wouldn’t it? Or would guide dogs be a special case? Perhaps we need a clarification from the Archbishop as to what parts of Sharia Law would be acceptable to Christians and other denominations and what wouldn’t? Otherwise, wouldn’t such statements from the Archbishop merely serve to confuse people? Maybe the Archbishop of Canterbury should look at his own role in helping the people of this sceptered isle feel that they are going to the dogs? Or not, as the case may be.

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